About Us

Alabama Select Network (ASN) is an Integrated Care Network (ICN) that provides enhanced case management, education, and outreach services to Medicaid members needing long-term services and supports (LTSS). Long-term services and supports include help doing everyday activities that you may no longer be able to do for yourself as you grow older, or if you have a physical disability – services like bathing, dressing, getting around your home, preparing meals, or doing household chores. Long-term services and supports include care in your own home or in the community that may keep you from having to go to a nursing home for as long as possible. These are called Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS). Long-term services and supports also include care in a Nursing Home.

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Alabama Select Network was established in 2017 as an Alabama limited liability company and is owned by SeniorSelect Partners. SeniorSelect Partners consists of a network of owners and operators of 122 nursing homes in Alabama which contributes to approximately 54% of licensed nursing home beds in the state. These owners also have ownership of long term pharmacies, certified home health agencies, durable medical equipment companies, and hospice agencies. This network will allow us to work with the provider community around LTSS to achieve positive change in the ICN program.

Alabama Select Network subcontracts with two companies:

AlaHealth, Inc.

AlaHealth is an Alabama for-profit corporation and has worked with the Alabama Medicaid Agency as an administrator of My Care Alabama's Health Home and Alabama Coordinated Health Networks (ACHN) programs. The programs provide case management services to Medicaid recipients enabling them to improve their health outcomes.

Alabama Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs)

The AAAs have extensive experience assisting aging citizens with case managem ent and other services that are vital to enhancing quality of life.